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Tip 2.4: How to swap the current anchor position in the editor

December 1, 2011

“Visual Studio Tips, 251 way to improve your Productivity in Visual Studio“, courtesy of ‘Sara Ford’

Sara Ford’s Blog

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+A will swap the current anchor position.

Sara Aside

To test Emacs emulations, she decided to write all her test cases in Emacs mode. (Emacs is a text editor, similar to Visual Studio. For details, see the Wikipedia article What was interesting is that she seemed to swap the anchor position all the time (using the appropriate shortcuts in Emacs mode); yet whenever she wasn’t in Emacs mode, she never did this. She thinks it was just the way she was trained in college to think about the Emacs editing experience that made her want to swap the anchor position.

Cursor position before swap:

Cursor position after swap:

Happy Programming! =)

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